Sunday, August 15, 2010

Recently my computer is very slow when starting up?

I have cleaned up some of my programs but I believe that I have too many or large programs starting up. How do I remove them without messing up my computer?Could it be my security programs?

Recently my computer is very slow when starting up?antivirus

open task ctrl alt--delete to open,go to processes and see what u got running,ur cpu at idle should be around 2-10%if its a lot more uve something running that shouldnt be,if u dont know what ur doing or what 2 delete take it 2 a tech

Recently my computer is very slow when starting up?computer

here are several things you can do to increase the ''speed'' of your computer.

1) Clean up the disk. Uninstall unneeded programs (especially those that run at startup and/or put something in the system tray), run Disk Cleanup, and defragment the drive. This is a good first step that will almost always take a few seconds off boot time and application loads for any computer.

2) Stomp auto-starting programs. Click Start %26gt; Run and type ''msconfig'' at the prompt. Click the Startup tab and look at all that junk that loads when you launch your PC. Do you really need ''Adobe Reader Speed Launch''? Probably not. Turn off anything else that looks useless, but be careful not to disable your anti-virus and important system components.

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