Friday, August 20, 2010

Does my computer have a virus?

I have a security program on my computer but since yesterday, I've been getting pop-ups every two minutes telling me to download stuff because my computer is at risk from a virus. I know it's fake because it's linked to advertising websites. Also, every hour or so, sites with links for porn pop up. I can still visit websites though--sometimes I'll just be directed to other porn/fake security websites. Once, I was checking my email and the same pop up came up about 100 times without stopping. I couldn't even click anything and I had to shut it down. I've scanned my computer for viruses and I've gotten no results indicating I have one.

What's up and what can I do?

Does my computer have a virus?windows

Is that scam advertising trying to sell you, one (or more) of these useless products? Don't buy anything that it is advertising It's a scam! If it is one of these, then it is likely an infection called Smitfraud that is causing the phony warnings. It is scam advertising trying to swindle you. And a link to a free removal tool is down at the bottom.




Antispyware Soldier,








IE Defender,


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