Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Is it wise to get rid of Windows Security Alerts from your Windows XP Service Pack 2?

We already have Zone Alarm [free edition] and AVG Free Edition. And how do you delete Windows Security Alerts from your computer?

Is it wise to get rid of Windows Security Alerts from your Windows XP Service Pack 2?malware

If you want to deactivate the Windows Security Alerts you must access Start - Control Panel - Security Center - in the tab you select Change the way Security Center alert me - and you deselect what you want.

Hope that works

Is it wise to get rid of Windows Security Alerts from your Windows XP Service Pack 2?norton 360

Unwise..... a fully patched machine is mandatory for security. See ''zero day threats'' to understand this.
Don't bother that alerts.

But I need to advised you that AVG is useless.

Try change to Avira antivir or active virus shield.
GabrielB has provided you with the correct info on changing alerts. If you are automatically updating your virus defs for AVG using the scheduler you shouldn't have a problem with those alerts anyway. It is definitely recommended to keep auto updates for windows on, unless of course you are running a pirate copy of XP which won't allow you to update.

On the subject of AVG - check out their awards and certifications. They get the same certs from the big names as Avira and don't bother with a whole bunch of awards from pissy little contests held in Germany only. 100% detection rate that's what it's about and that's what they concentrate on, not entering contests. Be assured that what you are using is just as good as Avira.

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